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Source code related to the publication "Visualization of loop extrusion by DNA nanoscale tracing in single human cells" by Beckwith, Ødegård-Fougner et.al. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.12.439407
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The Bretzel app's front-end code.
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Deployment configuration for the Bretzel App project.
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PyO3 bindings and Python interface to skani, a method for fast fast genomic identity calculation using sparse chaining.
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Cython bindings and Python interface to FastANI, a method for fast whole-genome similarity estimation.
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SVLT = Serving Vision to Living Things. A service for on-demand computer vision, targeted at image feedback in microscopy and other life sciences applications.
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Server to implement image analysis jobs for online use (e.g. in feedback microscopy), including adapters to ilastik and TensorFlow.
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Python interface to Prodigal, an ORF finder for genomes, progenomes and metagenomes.
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Cython bindings and Python interface to SWORD (Smith Waterman On Reduced Database), a method for fast database search.
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A Python interface to gb-io, a fast GenBank parser and serializer written in Rust.