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WIP: Binarization concept

Christian Tischer requested to merge binarizationConcept into master

I found that our binarization concept map was actually an "apply threshold" concept map and I tried improving this. Below is my current version. Suggestions for further improvements are welcome. E.g., it would be nice if the Apply intensity threshold was visually on the same height as as Binarization algorithm, but I did not know how to achieve this.

graph TD
    PV(Intensity pixel values) --> A(Binarization algorithm)
    A --> BPV(Binary pixel values)
    BPV --> BG("Background (0)")
    BPV --> FG("Foreground (1, 255)")
    A --- |e.g.|B(Apply intensity threshold) 
graph TD
    PV(Intensity pixel values) --> A(Binarization algorithm)
    A --> BPV(Binary pixel values)
    BPV --> BG("Background (0)")
    BPV --> FG("Foreground (1, 255)")
    A ---  |e.g.|B(Apply intensity threshold)

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